
Camp Recruitment Continues at Williamsbridge

HFH Camp recruiters Julio and Rosie were at Williamsbridge Family Residence last week to encourage residents to sign their children up for camp. Armed with balloons, food, and toys, the recruiters explained the benefits of HFH camps to prospective campers and their parents. Julio, a former camper himself, says, “The reason why I recruit [...]

2018-04-03T20:56:19-05:00April 3rd, 2018|

Summer Camp Gives Homeless Children A Chance To Just Be Kids

Homelessness places profound stress on a child's life, and many of these stressors are compounded during the summer season. Homes for the Homeless offers a unique opportunity for over 550 children to attend Summer Camps in Harriman State Park and experience the season as a kid should - with activities including hiking, swimming, dancing, drama, [...]

2018-03-01T18:56:27-05:00January 22nd, 2017|
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